The work is guided by the overarching Digital Health and Care Strategy.
The programme focuses on citizen facing digital solutions where “outcomes for individuals in home or community settings are improved through the application of technology as an integral part of quality, cost effective care and support to look after more people at home”.
It reports to the cross sector Digital Citizen Delivery Board as part of Digital Health and Care governance that oversees the programme.
Partnership and collaboration will continue to be our key approach, in how we work, maximising the capacity and capabilities across health and care partners, at national and local levels as well as seeking out collaborations and knowledge exchange opportunities with other parts of the UK, Europe and further afield.
Areas of activity
- Data and information
- Education, innovation and research
- Service redesign and transformation
- Citizen and stakeholder Engagement
- Procurement
- Supporting workforce development and engagement
- Coordination and funding
- Evaluation
Principles of approach
- Partnership and collaboration
- Human rights
- Choice
- Citizen engagement and co-design
- Fairness
- Inclusion
- No one left behind
- Innovation and transformation
- Self-management and self-directed support
Citizen benefits
- Access: improving access to services and support
- Choice and control: improving choice and control
- Equality: addressing societal inequalities
- Service improvement: better health and social care services for all
- Wellbeing: Improved wellbeing
- Environment: reducing carbon footprint