Near Me

The Scottish Government Near Me programme aims to provide the people of Scotland the choice to attend health, care and other appointments via video call where appropriate. 

By marc.beswick, Thu, 27/06/2024

This document is intended principally but not exclusively for Neuropsychologists working with patients with Neurological conditions. It considers the value of Near Me Video Consulting in supporting the examination and management of patients. 

  • The Digital Hospital at Home team have been tasked to support the development and expansion of services delivering acute care at home ​

  • You can get support from the Digital Hospital at Home Team who can provide practical frontline help and guidance on which Digital Tools can add value to your Hospital at Home Service​

  • The Digital Hospital at Home team have been tasked to support the development and expansion of services delivering acute care at home ​

  • You can get support from the Digital Hospital at Home Team who can provide practical frontline help and guidance on which Digital Tools can add value to your Hospital at Home Service​

  • The Digital Hospital at Home team have been tasked to support the development and expansion of services delivering acute care at home ​

  • You can get support from the Digital Hospital at Home Team who can provide practical frontline help and guidance on which Digital Tools can add value to your Hospital at Home Service​

Near Me is used to enable health and care students across a variety of academic institutions to achieve their learning outcomes. Students use Near Me to join clinicians seeing patients during in person consultations to take part in "authentic conversations". Students also interact with "volunteer" patients during consultation scenarios using Near Me. Practice based learning opportunities are also undertaken during the "remote" elements of a student placement.

By marc.beswick, Fri, 30/12/2022

Near Me has been used in Dentistry both at a trainee level and in practice. 

Near Me has also been used on the island of Tristan da Cunha more than 6,400 miles from Scotland and the most remote inhabited community on earth. Read about this here