Pillars for digital inclusion
The ‘discovery’ phase of the Digital Inclusion Programme included the development of a framework for digital inclusion in health and social care. In July 2023, we published a paper, From Pillars to Practice: Developing a Framework for Embedding Digital Inclusion in Health and Social Care. ( Digital Pillars Paper (tec.scot)) The paper outlined an approach to digital inclusion involving five pillars: Motivation, Device, Connectivity, Skills and Confidence, and Inclusive Design.

The pillars provide an evolving framework for implementing digital inclusion in health, social care and housing contexts.
In the 'Pillars Papers’ series, we will explore each pillar individually to offer insights on definitions, approaches and implications for digital inclusion to stimulate dialogue on needs and requirements for the person, the workforce and organisations involved in person-centred care.
The Pillars papers are available in the Resources section of the website which can be accessed here.
Communities of Learning
Learning comes from successes, but also when things may not go as planned. A Community of Learning is a safe space for projects to share good practices, challenges and opportunities.
The grant-funded projects in Digital Pioneers and Connecting to Care participate in a monthly Community of Learning session. This allows projects to share insights and identify how models for digital inclusion can be embedded into services to support sustainability. The diversity of organisations and people involved in the projects will help others consider how digital inclusion could work in their context, whether mental health, housing services, or another care setting.
As the Community of Learning progresses, it will contribute to a deeper understanding of how the pillars for digital inclusion apply in a mental health and housing context. A key outcome of the programme it to identify tried-and-tested models that support effective digital inclusion in mental health and housing.
Learn more about the themes and insights from the Community of Learning through our illustrated tapestries:
Illustrations Credit: Tessa Mackenzie
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