DigiFest22 Satellite Sessions
DigiFest22 combined a programme of free-to-attend virtual and in-person satellite sessions taking place from October onwards. The satellite sessions were coordinated by the Steering Group members and other stakeholders in the Scottish digital health, housing, and care ecosystem.
The purpose of these sessions was to provide the time and space to explore and discuss the opportunities and the challenges for digitally enabled solutions in health and home settings. The session topics set out below reflect current priorities relating digital health, housing, and care from: policy, service delivery, industry, and research perspectives.
These sessions were thematically linked to the one-day (in-person) event on Wednesday the 30th of November 2022, held at the University of Strathclyde, Technology & Innovation Centre, Glasgow.
The event on 30 November also featured a poster exhibition. Successful posters are accessible here.
The Discover Digital Project: participation and Inclusion
Discover Digital: session on the next steps for Discover Digital project. https://www.alliance-scotland.org.uk/digital/discover-digital/
Maisie Peebles.Â
Role: Discover Digital Development OfficerÂ
Email address: Maisie.peebles@alliance-scotland.org.ukÂ
Twitter: DHCScot
Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland - Better Futures - Harnessing digital technology to tackle homelessness
Online recording systems can support collaborative working and help to achieve positive housing, health and social care outcomes for people facing homelessness.
Better Futures supports collaborative working; sharing of information; demonstrating outcomes; reducing paperwork / duplication and generally working with people who are facing homelessness.
This satellite session will involve input from staff from the Scottish Government, Simon Scotland, and the Housing Support Enabling Unit. The session will start with background overview from SG before Simon Scotland set out how they use Better Futures. A short demonstration of the system will then be provided, followed by a Q&A session.
Yvette Burgess, Unit Director, HSEU
Tracy Orr, Service Lead, FLoating House Support P&K, Simon Scotland
Patrick McCann, Simon Scotland
Fraser White, Better Futures and Information Officer, Housing Support Enabling Unit
Twitter: @HSEU1
Realising value from digital investment session
Health and Care Scotland - Derek Hoy Memorial Lecture.
The 2022 lecture in memory of Derek Hoy is this year delivered by Andy Kinnear of Ethical Healthcare Consulting. Key message:Â Realising value from digital investment.
How do you ensure the investment we make in money, time and emotion translates into improved experience for our frontline clinicians, our public and our patients? A discussion.
Dr Heather Strachan, former Chair, BCS Health & Care Scotland
Sharon Levy, also former Chair, BCS Health & Care Scotland
Andy Kinnear, Ethical Healthcare Consulting
Sustainability in Housing
Sustainable, warm, and efficient social housing leads to the improved health and wellbeing of tenants. Attendees are invited to join this webinar where Housing and Tech professionals discuss what makes a sustainable home.
Exploring the relationship between housing, heat, and health and what role the Internet of Things (IoT) and environmental sensors play in managing that relationship.
Stephanie Elliot, Technology Enabled Care Lead, Scottish Federation of Housing Associations
Cassandra Dove, Policy Lead with SFHA
John Griffiths, CTO and Director at Safehouse Technologies
Twitter: @HousingTec
Back to The Future: Your path to digital skills and leadership
Take the lead on your own digital skills journey by learning more about the resources and learning networks that improve your knowledge and support your learning.
Digital skills are seen as core skills for the workforce across the health and care sector. Join this interactive session led by the Digitally Enabled Workforce (DEW) team in NHS Education for Scotland to hear more about the Building Digital Skills & Leadership Programme, and how our current and future work can support individuals on their digital journey.
Paula Baird, Programme Lead Digitally Enabled Workforce, NES
Alan Milbourne, Policy Manager Digital Health and Care Workforce, Scottish Government
IFIC Scotland - Proactive, Personalised Digital Care and Support
139 people from 19 countries registered for this webinar, co-chaired by Prof Anne Hendry, Director IFIC Scotland and Nessa Barry, International Engagement Manager, Technology Enabled Care and Digital Healthcare Innovation, Scottish Government. Panellists from Canada, Scotland and Spain shared their insights and experience.
Prof Anne Hendry, Director IFIC Scotland
Nessa Barry, International Engagement Manager, TEC, Scottish Government
For more information and a link to additional resources please see below Flash Report
Digital Officer for Local Government Optimising Data in Telecare to Better Support Citizens
Better Futures supports collaborative working; sharing of information; demonstrating outcomes; reducing paperwork / duplication and generally working with people who are facing homelessness.
In this session, the Digital Office for Scottish Local Government will be joined by TEC Scotland and TEC Cymru to look at how professionals in Telecare can optimise data to better support citizens. With a wide range of expertise in the health and social care sector, this webinar will explore:
- Data Consistency Through a National Minimum Data Set
- The Possibilities of Cloud-Based Systems and Common Platforms
- How Shared Approaches to Data Intelligence can Drive Better Outcomes
Thomas Ozers, Digital Office for Local Government
Scottish Consumer Technology Network (SCTN)
We are launching a new, accessible and inclusive network for all who use and work with consumer technology across the Public, Independent and Third sectors, to give everyone the power to connect, share ideas and information easily.
Come along to this session to hear about why the network was initially formed and the experiences of staff currently using technology in their services.
Gillian Fyfe, Transformation Lead, Technology Enabled Care Programme, Digital Health and Care Directorate, Scottish Government
Nic Padden, Network Manager, Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Programme, Digital Health and Care Directorate, Scottish Government
User-centred design approaches & tools for digital health & care strategies
A panel discussion with Paula Baird (NES), Kieren Egan (University of Strathclyde), Alan Milbourne (Scottish Government) and Mark Walton (NHS NSS).
Katie MacLure, Chair, BCS – British Computer Society Health and Care (Scotland)