Pauline Waddle explains the Enhanced Responder Service within Falkirk HSCP
This document provides an overview of the role of the Digital Dementia Advisor (DDA) in Alzheimer Scotland,
The role is to support people living with dementia at home to retain their independence and quality of life using a range of technology, and working closely with other teams, including the telecare service.
This Briefing Note has been developed to align with Scottish Government measures to support the current system pressures.
Please note, a number of suppliers provide medication reminders and dispensers, and the TEC programme is not endorsing a specific supplier. HSCPs should explore options and identify the right solution to meet their specific needs.
This Briefing Note has been developed to align with Scottish Government measures to support the current system pressures.
Please note, a number of suppliers provide lifestyle monitoring systems and services, and the TEC programme is not endorsing a specific supplier. HSCPs should explore options and identify the right solution to meet their specific needs.