We recently had a catch up with Joyce Gray, Deputy Director of Development at Alzheimer Scotland about some of the work which has continued during the period of COVID-19 response. Joyce told us that from very early in our lockdown it was apparent that safer walking, for those which Alzheimer Scotland support, was going to be a significant feature. In response to this Alzheimer Scotland received funding from the Scottish Government’s Technology Enabled Care Programme to provide GPS units to families who presented with difficulties, to date they have supported 24 families across Scotland with units and set up support.
Alzheimer Scotland has also been working to integrate a COVID-19 section in the Purple Alert App. ln addition to providing local COVID-19 related information they will have the facility to send notifications around COVID-19 if required. A useful feature as we are all dealing with frequent guidance updates. The screenshot below shows what this may look like.
Through a successful grant application Alzheimer Scotland has been able to purchase a 1,000 https://eiocard.com/ giving a variety of digital options to support their community in safer walking. To keep up to date with Alzheimer Scotland activities you can follow @alzscot and @AlzScotDigital or go to: https://www.alzscot.org/