Telecare Services in Scotland are in a period of change. As they move towards using digital phone lines, new equipment and the possible inclusion of consumer technologies, there are opportunities for services to deliver in a different way, making sure that they are meeting the needs of their customers now, and into the future.
As they consider this redesign, it's important for them to hear from the people who do, or might, use a Telecare Service. The Technology Enabled Care Programme offered a small grant to third and independent sector organisations to undertake some engagement work on behalf of Telecare Service Providers. We recognise that not everyone feels comfortable or able to engage with statutory bodies, so we asked the organisations who meet and speak to those people on a regular basis, and have their trust, to have a conversation with them and tell us what they would like to see from their services.
This report outlines the collective response from those people, and will be shared with Service Providers to help them understand what their customers' priorities are to help them shape their services to meet those needs.

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