Attending appointments is often inconvenient and not always necessary, with alternative access available via Connect Me. With the right advice and support, many individuals can manage their condition on their own (self-manage) and know when and where to seek appropriate help. The services are widely used across NHS Scotland and beyond.
The Connect Me approach is proven to support people with their health and wellbeing from a place that is most convenient such as home or work.
To enable communications and securely share an individual’s health condition and information, the Connect Me services can be accessed via a secure website, a mobile app, text message, or automated phone call. In general, an individual will need a telephone (landline or mobile) and for some services, they may need access to a computer, laptop, or mobile device which has internet access.
Sometimes individuals will be asked about their symptoms and how they feel. For some conditions, they may also be asked to record and share readings such as blood pressure or peak flow, using NHS approved equipment. It will be offered by a healthcare professional. It is not yet possible to self-refer to Connect Me services.
Exactly what will be needed will depend on what the individual has been referred for.
If you need monitoring equipment, it will be provided by your NHS health care professional.
Why Connect Me?
- Improved patient experience of service by providing reassurance that health indicators are ‘normal’
- Improved access to services for those most in need of them
- Providing new options for people to connect with their healthcare providers
- Supported self-management of some health conditions
- Improved longer-term outcomes
- Reduced travel and associated costs
- Reduced absence from work, education, caring duties, and other commitments by not having to attend appointments
- Reduced exposure to infection
- Easy, free, and convenient to use
Connect Me can be used to manage your healthcare needs safely from home, often reducing the need to attend frequent appointments
Connect Me is currently being used to support people, including those with asthma (secondary care), blood pressure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), irritable bowel syndrome, and symptoms of COVID-19.