Digital solutions, resources and treatments are now being used extensively in mental health services in Scotland with a significant increase occurring during the last year. Coordinated evaluation and research takes place across the digital activity. Results support and inform decisions regarding the most effective digital therapies, solutions and delivery approaches to use in the Scottish context.
The evaluation activity is providing; strategic direction, greater understanding of service impact, quality of delivery, clinical effectiveness and uptake of digital services and provides greater understanding of the aspects of an individual life that enables or inhibits the use of digital in health and care settings.
Scottish Research and Evaluation
- NES Matrix review
- McMurchie*, Macleod, Power et al (2013) cCBT for Depression and Anxiety in Older People
- International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
- Cientanni, F., Power, K., Wright, C., Baty, F., & Schwannauer, M. (2021). Understanding uptake, adherence, and outcome in computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (cCBT): Evidence from socioeconomic, clinical, and healthcare-belief perspectives. Manuscript in preparation.
- Power, K., Cientanni, F., & Wright, C. (2020). Social group identification as a predictor of pre-treatment suicidal ideation and intent in those receiving cCBT: Evidence from a Scottish primary care sample. Manuscript submitted for publication.
- Cientanni, F., Power, K., Wright, C., … & Clark, S. (2019). Psychosocial, psychopharmacological and demographic predictors of changes in psychological distress over a course of computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (cCBT). Internet Interventions, 17, 1-13.Â
- Weir, B., Power, K., & Cientanni, F. (2018). Increasing access to computerised cognitive behaviour therapy for older people. Clinical Psychology Forum, 311. British Psychological Society, Division of Clinical Psychology.  ISSN: 2396-8664.
- Cientanni, F., Power, K., Wright, C., … & Tanner, G. (2017). Comparing social group identifications and socioeconomic deprivation as predictors of psychological distress: Evidence from a Scottish primary care sample. British Journal of Social Psychology, 56(1), 705-722.Â
Addition Research Publications
- Nice Clinical Guidance
- Sign Clinical Guidance
- Proudfoot et al. (2003) (N=167)
- Proudfoot et al. (2004) (N=247)
- Cavanagh et al. (2006) (N=219)
- Vis, Kleiboer, Prior et al (2015) - Implementing and up-scaling evidence based Mental Health in Europe: The study protocol for the Mastermind Project Wierzbicki & Pekarik (1993) A Meta analysis of psychotherapy dropout Professional Psychology Research & Practice
- Andrews, Basu, Cuijpers et al (2018) Computer therapy for anxiety and depression disorders is effective, acceptable and practical health care: An updated meta-analysis, Journal of Anxiety Disorders
- Berryhill, Halli-Tierney, Culmer et al (2019) Videoconferencing psychological therapy and anxiety: a systematic review
- Berryhill, Culmer, Williams et al (2019) Videoconferencing psychotherapy and depression: a systematic review