Test of Change Showcase 24th February

To register for the event please click here
Test of Change Showcase 17th November
To register to attend the above event please click here
Test of Change Showcase 25th November
To register to attend the above event please click here
Digital Approaches in Social Care have launched two test of change initiatives to date, these have been focused on a generic call across the sector, and the latest call around Care Home Staff mental health and wellbeing, which followed an initial proof of concept in Perth & Kinross, an example of which can be found under case studies.
The current initiative is underway and will be due to come to a close late Summer/early Autumn where we are anticipating to hold a shared learning event across the sector. New case studies will be uploaded to the site following the success of any Test of Change initiative.
Background Information
What is a Test of Change for Service Innovation?
The Digital Health & Care Supporting Service Transformation Delivery Plan articulates a strategic aim:
“To put in place a process that identifies innovative solutions, products and approaches that address key national priorities and can be adopted at scale into mainstream ‘business as usual’”
It defines a deliverable for Tests of Change as follows:
“One call in year for Tests of Change and nurturing of candidate services through the pipeline.”
Stage 1 participants will be invited to apply for Stage 2 or Stage 3 funding where appropriate.
Test description
Stage 1 Test of Change
‘Proof of Concept’
A new idea or an idea applied successfully elsewhere
Demonstrates that a proposed technology enabled pathway is possible in a specific locale with a small number of users
Is small-scale, low cost and quick to implement
Uses Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) cycles to record and inform progress
Provides quick insight into what works / does not work and why
Informs if the idea merits further investment.
Applications are open to any NHS Board, Integration Authority, Housing, Independent Care or Third Sector organisation.
Applications may be made by an individual organisation or as a multi-organisation collaboration provided a single organisation takes the role of ‘Lead Partner’.
Provided that one of the aforementioned organisations take the lead role, collaborations with Academia and Industry are also welcomed and encouraged.
The aim of an application must align with the overarching TEC Programme aim which is to support more citizens to make greater use of technology to manage their own health and wellbeing at home and in the community.
Applying organisations are expected to be signatories to the Digital Participation Charter (or actively considering becoming signatories). https://digitalparticipation.scot/charter
NOTE: A test of change should seek to demonstrate measurable improvement in outcomes either directly to individuals or indirectly through improved service design and delivery. Applications that are not explicit about the improvement they are intended to demonstrate will be rejected.
Additional information:
The test of change programme has to date received a wide range of proposals. To assist in the generation of suitable ideas the programme had identified some current focus areas. These are detailed below and are not intended to exclude proposals for tests that support delivery of the programme aim in other ways. There will be a degree of overlap in a number of these areas as they are not mutually exclusive.
Services that support improved delivery of mental health services and in particular mental health services for young people
The introduction of technology enabled services that help to reduce waiting times
The introduction of new TEC enabled pathways that better support people living with Long Term Conditions including service applications to support prevention, early intervention and supported self-management
Approaches and interventions to support the social care reform priorities
Housing sector service redesign to better support individuals to remain at home with reduced reliance on statutory services
Third sector delivered health and care service pathways / interventions
Support for carers / young carers
Pathways / interventions to support difficult to reach communities including traveller, homeless, asylum seeker and victims of abuse communities
Pathways / interventions to support addiction and recovery support services