
By Sammi Allan, Tue, 06/02/2024

The programme hosted a stakeholder engagement event in November 2023 to build on the learnings from the programme to date and explore how digital inclusion can be embedded as a core part of housing services and support. 

This summary shares the insights and learnings shared during the engagement with stakeholders from across the housing landscape in Scotland.

By Sammi Allan, Tue, 06/02/2024

The programme hosted a stakeholder engagement event in November 2023 to build on the learnings from the programme to date and explore how digital inclusion can be embedded as a core part of mental health services and support. 

This summary shares the insights and learnings shared during the engagement with stakeholders from across the mental health context in Scotland.

By Sammi Allan, Tue, 06/02/2024

The aim of the co-design was to explore digital inclusion in the context of housing and to glean insights from those delivering services and support to allow the development of meaningful digital champion training for frontline staff, to help them embed digital inclusion work in their everyday roles. 

This summary report explores key insights and recommendations from the two housing co-design sessions held in July 2023.

By Sammi Allan, Tue, 06/02/2024

The aim of the digital champions training co-design was to explore digital inclusion in the context of mental health and to glean insights from those delivering mental health support to allow the development of meaningful digital champion training for support staff, to help them embed digital inclusion work in their everyday roles.

Process This summary report explores key insights and recommendations from two mental health co-design sessions held in July 2023.

By Sammi Allan, Tue, 06/02/2024

The Digital Inclusion Programme is creating a practice guide to enable wider awareness of digital inclusion across health, social care, social work and housing, and to support the embedding of digital inclusion in practice across sectors. 

This summary shares the learning from a co-production session with staff members from across a range of sectors working in health, social care and housing. The co-production session was held online and involved facilitated discussions to explore: 

By Ross.Shaw, Tue, 11/07/2023

The Framework, formerly termed the Scottish Telecare Minimum Dataset, comprises an agreed core set of defined fields which capture information that illustrates how people use telecare services.  The intelligence which can be gleaned from the data in the Framework will help services to:

By Ross.Shaw, Thu, 06/07/2023

Telecare Services in Scotland are in a period of change.  As they move towards using digital phone lines, new equipment and the possible inclusion of consumer technologies, there are opportunities for services to deliver in a different way, making sure that they are meeting the needs of their customers now, and into the future.

By fionacampbell, Tue, 04/07/2023

Digital Is an enabler to how many of us live our lives now. However, in a world where not everyone has the access to this space, how do we shift the narrative to create equal opportunity and address issues of inequality for people to be included and have access to the opportunities digital has to offer? We are considering these refelctions through developing a framework for Digital Inclusion. The framework involves five Pillars for Digital Inclusion, these Pillars are:


