
By TEC Team, Mon, 08/03/2021

Scotland’s Housing Network (SHN) have been providing benchmarking services to Scotland’s Technology Enabled Care (TEC) programme since 2017. Telecare benchmarking workshops are held quarterly for Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs) that are either actively participating in the telecare benchmarking programme, or are interested in doing so.

The Impact Report attached below details the benchmarking findings for 2019/20.

By TEC Team, Fri, 08/01/2021

In late 2019 FarrPoint completed a review into Telecare Call Handling. The review established the call handling arrangements currently used in Scotland and recommended several improvements to the scope of telecare services and how they are delivered. One of these recommended improvements was for telecare partnerships to offer proactive services.

This study was commissioned to complete further investigation into proactive services. It objectives were to establish:

By TEC Team, Tue, 05/05/2020

One of the recommendations in the TEC Programme/Local Government Digital Office Telecare Service Continuity and COVID-19 guidance (20.03.20) was that Telecare Service Providers (TSPs) consider outbound calling to support vulnerable service users who are self-isolating and may be experiencing a reduction in contact with services, friends and family. 

This report sets out information, compiled by the TEC Programme, on the approach TSPs have been taking to outbound calling during the COVID-19 outbreak.

By TEC Team, Fri, 01/05/2020

This document describes the vision for how Near Me video consulting will be used in health and care services in Scotland. It is designed to inform plans within local organisations, and is endorsed by the Cabinet Secretary and Scottish Government.

By TEC Team, Mon, 05/11/2018

The Technology Enabled Care Programme commissioned Young Scot to bring young people from across Scotland together to look at how digital technology could improve young people’s health and wellbeing.

In December 2016, Young Scot’s Healthier Scotland Youth Investigation Team delivered their report on “Creating a Healthier Scotland” to the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport.

By TEC Team, Thu, 04/10/2018

Our second Scottish Annual Telecare Data Report, covering January – December 2017, addresses the following key deliverable within the Scottish Government’s Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Programme:

Develop a national data monitoring repository/information system which supports the use of TEC data as part of local service planning and routine care management

By TEC Team, Wed, 30/08/2017

Feasibility study for the provision of universal telecare services for the over 75s.