To use Near Me as a service provider, you need access to the Attend Anywhere platform and a space to meet your callers. Applying for access is a simple process; just fill out the application form. This is then processed by the National VC Team. If you get stuck on any of the questions, help is available from the team.
Once you are set up, you can manage your Waiting Area locally. Things like adding users, resetting passwords, configuring the space are easily done using the easy to follow menus.
Code of Connection
If you are not from a government body, e.g. you are from a charity, social landlord, community venture etc., you will also need to download and sign our Code of Connection. This is a set of common sense rules to ensure the integrity of the service. It contains things like - don’t share passwords, delete accounts of people who leave etc. The form and instructions of what to do are embedded within the application process.
Attend Anywhere Contract
The contract for the underlying Attend Anywhere platform is paid for by the Scottish Government. It is provided to public service organisations free of charge. The contract is set to run till March 2026.