Training for Providers
The Near Me service runs on the Attend Anywhere video consulting platform. Attend Anywhere is easy to use and most providers can simply log in and follow the easy to use navigation. However, some training is useful, particularly to find out about some of the application's features such as content sharing, three way calling or flipping cameras to aid clinical examinations.
The National Virtual Consultation Service provides a number of training videos, pdf guides and can run training sessions.
Training for Administrators
The National Virtual Consultation Service also provides training for staff members who administer their own waiting areas. A number of short videos are available that cover the key admin tasks. You can also request a live training course.
Training for Clinicians
Training resources to support clinical users can be found on Turas.
Training for Callers
Information for callers can be found on our public facing website. Please ensure that you provide links to this site from your own leaflets and websites.