The Lymphoedema Remote Health Pathway is for patients experiencing swelling due to Lymphoedema or Lipodema.
The Lymphodema Remote Health Pathway has been developed to give clinicians access to a standard set of information about patients prior to clinic. This aims to help clincians provide a more focused assessment, aid the development of a personalised care programme and allow time for building the therapeutic relationship required for supporting self-management.
The pathway provides patients with easy access to high quality information and support resources and provide regular tips about living with lymphoedema/lipoedema.
Lymphoedema Service
We hope clinicians and patients find the Inhealthcare Lymphodema Service simple and easy to use, helping people better understand their condition and manage their symptoms.
When the service is activated in advance of an outpatient appointment, patients will receive an email notification containing a link to an online questionnaire regarding their swelling. Before their appointment, they are asked to complete the questionnaire, the answers to which will form the basis of a shared discussion between them and their clinician when they are face-to-face.
Once the appointment has taken place and a self-management plan has been agreed, the clinician will enter a diagnosis into the Inhealthcare (IHC) system which triggers a set of tips and advice relating to their diagnosis being emailed to patients over a set period of time.
A second online questionnaire is shared with the patient, six months from the initial appointment date. This allows clinicians to assess any changes with symptoms.
If you are a healthcare professional and need further information, please explore our clinical resources on TURAS here.
Although developed for patients, this resource is useful for clinicians supporting the use of the Connect Me Lymphoedema Health Questionnaire Pathway. Explore our Lymphoedema Service Patient Guide.