Winter Series
We hosted 4 short lunchtime sessions in our Winter Series Feb/March 2022. Thanks to all our presenters for a great series, sharing their knowledge and inspiring work with the telecare community.
Please see below for details and videos of the sessions.
1. KOMP Test of Change by Angus HSCP

Thanks to Glenda Hunter for the excellent presentation on the recent KOMP test of change. Please see below for the slides and video for the session:
2. Virtual Resource Tech Home Development - South Lanarkshire HSCP

Thanks to Jill O'Boyle and Andy Robertson for the fantastic presentation and virtual walkthrough of their TEC Zone development in South Lanarkshire. Please see below for the slides and video of the session:

3. Self Directed Support and Technology - East Ayrshire HSCP

Thanks to both Cheryl Taylor and Claire Roxburgh for the great presentation and discussion on using self directed support to assess and purchase technology. Please see below for the slides and video of the session:
4. Strathclyde University Covid-19 Research Report

Thanks to both Barbara Fawcett and Konstantina Karastoyanova for the really interesting presentation and discussion highlighting key findings from their research report -Â UoS Research Paper - older people receiving telecare services during the COVID-19 pandemic
Please see below for the slides and video of the session: